Dog-Friendly Beach in Marshfield, MA
In theory, the beach should be the perfect place to take a dog on a hot summer day. Unfortunately in reality, very few beaches allow dogs in the summer outside of the early morning/late evening hours. Rexhame Beach in Marshfield, MA is easily one of the most dog-friendly beaches in Massachusetts and is less than an hour drive from Boston. It is one of a handful of Massachusetts beaches where dogs are allowed on-leash all day year-round.

Rexhame Beach is a long, mostly-sandy beach located between Humarock Beach in Scituate and Duxbury Beach in Duxbury. Some sections of the beach are very rocky, but not nearly as bad as some of the beaches in Scituate.  It’s not as beautiful as the beaches on the outer Cape or the North Shore, but it’s a nice place to spend a morning or afternoon on a hot summer weekend. The fact that dogs are allowed on-leash year-round is a huge plus for Rexhame (assuming you either have a dog or like dogs), but it’s not as if the beach is constantly swarmed with dogs. On a given day there will be at least several people walking their dogs along the beach or nearby marsh trails.
By New England standards, we’d consider Rexhame an average to slightly above average beach. We’d give it a solid 6.5 out of 10 on the human scale; however Baxter gives it a 10/10 since no one asked him to leave and he even had his first encounter with a crab which went relatively well considering both parties walked away unscathed.

Beach access is free in the offseason. Non-resident day passes are available for $15 on weekdays and $20 on weekends and holidays. Access after 5:00pm is $5.